

  • There is DEFINITELY a difference in good vs bad calories. Primarily, this is for your overall health- someone else mentioned cholesterol, but it also aids in helping your body fight off disease. Additionally, if you're eating a bunch of sugary, packaged foods, your body will store it differently than it would veggies or…
  • Weird, but I like it even better with chives! I don't have a sweet tooth, so this does the savory trick.
  • spinach and goat cheese stuffed chicken breast over brown rice, mixed with artichokes and kalamata olives with a caesar salad. Trying something new!
  • Anything using your body weight. Push ups (works your core, chest, arms), side plank with hip dip, walking lunges, reverse lunges with bicep curls, squats with a shoulder press, dips. Do these for an insane amount of reps, three times through. You'll definitely feel it. You can do this w/o weights, but depending on where…
  • Chubby Bunny and I seem to be on the same page! So, not to beat a dead horse, but we are here to LIVE! Food is not an enemy. We just have to grow healthy relationships with it. It's not bad to eat pizza, chocoloate, or whatever your food of choice may be (my crux is wine!). We just have to learn moderation. Cutting back…
  • Hey there - you're doing great just trying! It sounds cheesy, but you are. Recently, I started trying to eat at home more often in order to maximize spending on groceries versus restaurants and also making better food choices. The problem is - my house has ONLY healthy food. That leaves me no way to cheat at all! And let's…
  • Well, I have that problem up front sometimes....and I also hold them sometimes, so I feel ya'. Maybe try getting a pair of Spanx?? I wonder if that would be helpful?
  • Eating after certain hours is purely myth. Your body will digest the food regardless and has nothing to do with time of day. The reason many people say it's bad for you, is that you tend to eat bad things late at night - ice cream, chips, etc - things that you'll eat a lot of without realizing it. Also, if you go to bed at…