

  • I discovered Jillian's DVD's in 2010 - i've not done any of my others once since lol!! She incorporates everything i love (weights, resistance, HIIT, abs) into every work out. I love her sense of humour & no nonsense approach to fitness. And i often find myself grinning along with her & the cast.... its sad, but true :-)
  • Thank you so much for posting about this!! i had stopped looking at my workout planner pretty early on & i just had "12 weeks" in my head... so i wouldnt have known. i'm happy to have an extra week to try & pull in that extra effort :-)
    in Week 13? Comment by preenie April 2013
  • Hi, Feel free to add me, the more motivation & support, the better. I'm on phase 2 week 7. I absolutely love the workouts & havent missed a workout since i started but i'm finding it hard to stick to healthy eating. I had lost 8lbs but i've put 4 back on, so i really need to refocus on my goals :-)
  • Hi. I completed Phase 1 on Sunday & i have lost 6lb so far. I also measured before i began & so far i have lost 2" off my bust, waist & thighs & 1" off my hips :-) I did do the kickstart week.
  • Hi. I did the kickstart week & i lost 5lbs that week. I have just completed Phase 1 & have lost 6lb overall (i had lost 7lb by week 3 but put a lb on due to bad food choices). In the kickstart week i followed the meal plan & did the recommended exercise. I did have to add a protein shake to my daily diet as some days i was…