evee7340 Member


  • Anyone here can add me too! I'm at 214 currently, started at 245, back to trying to lose some more and be more active after an extended break.
  • I had sushi for lunch...then came home and my husband (not knowing what I'd had for lunch) suggested sushi for dinner. Who am I to deny him? :D Most days I have oatmeal and coffee for breakfast, salad for lunch (but a GOOD salad, I love salad), and baked chicken and vegetables for dinner. That's what an average workday is…
  • I've had chronic depression and anxiety for most of my life and was diagnosed with PTSD as well several months ago. I would love to have some friends on here who deal with the same or similar issues. Please feel free to add me, anyone who reads this!
  • I have an almost-four-year-old, a full-time job, two part-time jobs, and zero free time. Fortunately there's a gym right next to where I work, so I go there on my lunch break most days and sometimes on Fridays right after work for an hour-long yoga class. That last one really gives me the guilt, as it cuts into the…
  • It's natural to feel down when daylight hours get shorter and the cold weather comes. If you really think it's seasonal, look into a full-spectrum light--I've never used one but have heard they work for some people. I'm on three pretty high-dose meds, but i still have trouble with motivation. Some days I push myself--I…
  • Definitely look for coupons, like some others said. There are always coupons for cereals in the Sunday paper and on coupons.com. If you have a coupon AND the cereal's on sale, it can be pretty cheap. This goes for most other things you'd buy as well. Also try store brand cereals. Most of them do knock-offs of the more…
  • Same thing happened to me with tomatoes! No idea why but I used to love them...now just thinking about them makes me feel a little ill...
  • It is possible...I'm on three meds--Fetzima (SSRI); Wellbutrin, which supposedly helps with weight loss and really does reduce my appetite; and Abilify, which is known for weight gain--and I'm losing pretty well. However, also remember that everyone reacts differently to medications. It won't help you lose or make you feel…
  • Just a boring old clothes NSV, but I'm wearing a pair of jeans that were really uncomfortably tight a few months ago and today they feel like comfy pajamas. Also wearing one of my favorite band's T-shirts that was more like a crop top until recently. Now it fits like a normal shirt. :)
  • I was recently diagnosed with PTSD too, and have had depression and anxiety since my early teens, almost the same as you. It's a rough road. So glad to hear you're doing well, though. It really is all about finding the right treatment sometimes--that and just a lot of focus on what you need to do to stay in the game. I…
  • Early Gray, any brand, is good. It's like regular tea with a (usually) mild citrus-y flavor (it has oil of bergamot in it). Really yummy with some milk and a little sugar if you can use sugar, but also very good without it. Iris breakfast--like regular old Lipton tea but a little bolder. Also good with milk and no sugar,…
  • I hear you...loose-fitting underwear has been one of my favorite NSV's. Too-tight underwear is the worst. :)
  • I work in an office and bring my lunch every day. Lately I've been bringing salad--a couple cups of chopped romaine then whatever fruits and/or vegetables I have on hand and some protein. Today I have the lettuce with red grapes, blueberries, celery, and chick peas. For protein other days I've used hard-boiled eggs,…
  • Sweet! I've been doing Couch to 5k for a few months now...repeating each week several times...and it's the thought of one day getting to say "I did a 5k!" that keeps me going. Great job! :)
  • The waistbands of my underwear aren't tight anymore... Man, too-tight underwear is the worst. :grumble:
  • I ghostwrite and edit books for independent and self-published authors. It's interesting. :)
  • I have a three-year-old too... I'll send you a friend request. :)
    in new here Comment by evee7340 April 2014
  • I'm 41, and I hear ya... I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • Nice! I remember the day I realized my stomach had begun to stick out farther...so I understand your accomplishment. :)
  • I used to walk for a couple hours each day, and after some months it got to a point where I felt like I *could* walk faster, but my legs just couldn't go any faster while walking, if that makes sense. So I figured that meant I had to start jogging. And yes, you can just start! Or try some sort of couch-to-5k program. I do…
  • First, congrats on quitting. It isn't easy! Def. agree with starting cardio before you quit. I was doing a lot of walking, but still smoking--in fact I would walk a couple miles to a park where I could sit down on a bench and have a smoke. Ugh. But eventually the love of walking won, and I got tired of having pain in my…
  • I have found my people! :D I eat peanut butter every day, usually a tablespoon or so to dip apple slices in. Best snack ever.
  • Hi...I'm 41 and could use some friends on here...add me if you want. Anyone else can too! :)