pkinblue Member


  • #2--my DH rolls his eyes everytime I show him a new muscle groove
  • I am 5'5.5", Baby1 was 8lbs 12 oz. and baby #2 was almost 7 lbs.
  • First baby 140->165lbs . Lost all the weight in 2 weeks as I lost too much blood during delivery and my body was frantic. Note--couldn't breast feed for a month either..but eventually got there. Being stupid I thought Baby #2 would go the same way. Hah! 145->180+ I stopped looking after 180lbs. Hovered at 157lbs at the 6…
  • I am on Week 12 day 3 tomorrow and I can honestly say I liked phase II the best--workout 7 notwithstanding. I have been losing about 1 lb a week (not following her diet plan).
    in Phase 2 Comment by pkinblue June 2013
  • hey--we are just about twins for age, height and goals. You can do it!
  • 5'5.5" female age 44 HW Preggers: 180+ lbs. (stopped looking after 179) HW single being: 169 lbs. Lightest: 133 lbs at wedding age 24. CW 152 lbs ST GW 145 lbs. UGW 140 lbs Fantasy goal weigh 129 lbs.
  • I just did the same thing. I looked at a bag of carmel corn..saw the whole thing was 7 servings and then within minutes had swallowed the whole darn thing. Then I felt gross all night but I still ate dinner. The mistake was buying the bag in the first place. I knew I had to wait for kids after basketball post grocery store…
  • I am targeting 1200 per day PLUS I eat most of my exercise cals back. I end up around 1500 give or take depending on how often/long I walk the dog. I am just not a person who can stand being hungry--it makes me cross and evil with the children. I am very sedentary at my job (desk job 9-10 hours per day) I have lost 9 lbs…
  • If I get a # I don't care for at my weekly "official" weigh in I keep weighing my self daily until I find that new low. LOL. I think I will track like you now and see what various eating patterns, workout patterns or general life does to me. BTW I am not obsessed with the scale # I just like the reinforcement when it goes…
  • 8th grade French class. Never dated in HS but hung out in the same pack of kids. Saw on summer breaks from college. Post graduation ran into each other. I had plans so declined his invite. I got stood up, called him back as plan B. Celebrating 20 years married this July.
  • PJ pants in public Skirts and uggs camel toe sky high heels at sporting events in your face cleavage wool skull hats in summer
  • You look awesome. Love that you picked up a barbell equal to what you've lost. I am going to start doing that to remind myself never to backslide.
  • I haven't quite hit 10 lbs..and am on week 11. My goal is 1 lb a week and I wanted to lose 16 lbs altogether. I am about 2 lbs behind where I hoped to be--but haven't always eaten to my plan.
  • I am an afternoon/night I tend to shift my calories towards the night and then I find if I am actually FULL I can resist most times. But--on the times when I can't I play a game with myself. If I really eat that bowl of chips, cookie, ice cream (yes, I have kids in the house) then I trade it with something…
  • I work all day at a desk too and sometimes I just can't step away. When I am stressed I like crunchy food--so I keep baby carrots or celery handy. I find the hard chewing helps bleed off some tension. Or chew ice. Also I keep lavender spray is said to be calming. Lastly I do a 10 min. stretching video or walk…
    in Ideas? Comment by pkinblue June 2013
  • I did Jillian Michael's Body Revolution after 30 DS. It was quite a step up and my arms have lots of definition now.
  • When my kids were very small I went for long walks with one in the jogger and one in the pack. When they were a little bigger it was exer-saucer and me on the treadmill with Baby Motzart on the tv. Older yet--they played at the park while I did laps around. Once soccer and baseball started I did laps around the fields…
  • Exactly..there are days when I'll trade a glass of alcohol for equivalent calories of food...but there are days when the only thing getting me thru until bedtime is knowing I can have one vodka tonic once the kids go to bed.
  • I am a klutz and one legged things are very hard for me. I trained for my black belt exam kick set (5 sets of 5 different kicks, one leg, no tapping in between) by standing on one leg to dry my hair. I alternated legs by day and held my leg up in front, bent 90 degrees at the knee as high as I could. Squeeze your butt and…
  • I am completely schizophrenic on this. Days I go into work I wear tinted moisturizer, under eye concealer, blush, eye liner, shadow and mascara. Days I work at home or most weekends I wear only sunscreen. If I think of it on the weekend I may add eye liner as I think my eyes are small. What I really hate is when I forget…
    in Makeup Comment by pkinblue June 2013
  • Had my first a few months ago--prep wasn't too bad--used a new prep that the Dr. said he liked the best. My mother's sister is fighting stage 4 colon cancer and polyps run in my family so it was something I really needed to do. Had 5 polyps but nothing scary showed up. Don't let horror stories keep you from doing this--it…
  • Yes--Vegetarian sub from Jimmy Johns: Granted I forgot to tell them to hold the mayo and it had cheese and avocado--but 680 cals when my lunches are normally 400. I was soooo full and figured out why when I got home and looked it up.
  • when I am stressed something crunchy helps--baby carrots, raw cauliflower or almonds. Hang in there.
  • First time thru this workout. Like many of you my cable is too tight to really do the cable pushups--I just did normal ones (on my feet) and will have to play around with my cable later today to figure this one out. The 3 part pushups are impossible on my feet--had to go to knees. Chaturanga hold was doable--but just…
  • Starting week 11. I ended up missing 1 cardio from Week 9 and 1 from Week 10--but in 10 weeks I've only missed those 2 workouts. My victory is that I am in my 2 smallest pair of jeans that I own. Aiming to look good in my white jeans for this summer and to need to buy new pants this fall.
  • I often don't record veggies, the splash of milk in my tea, the knife lick I do after I make the kids PB&Js, gum or Altoids. However, I also don't record every dog-walk--so I figure it evens out around 100 cals added, 100 cals burned.
  • I love yoga but when I tried a hot yoga (Bikram) class I ended up in a terrible panic attack--too many people, too much heat, heart rate up too high. Even with my eyes open and telling myself there was plenty of air my body just didn't listen to my brain. Thank goodness I could leave the class and as it was pay-as-you-go I…
  • water bottles of various dimensions? You can weigh them at home and see how close you can get to 3 and 5 lbs. or more if you are stronger.
  • age 44 CW 154 GW 145 UGW 139 Hieght 5'5"