Interesting. Thanks! It shouldn't be too hard to eat a little more each day. More and more of what I'm reading now seems to bolster what you've said.
It had been up until this month! Strange, but my weight hasn't budged a bit even though I've been exercising and mostly coming in at or below my daily calorie goal. While it was working, it was like magic, but now that I'm a little stuck and I see the projection as so far off, its a little frustrating. Too bad it couldn't…
I noticed Yoga classes @ my gym on Saturdays and decided to give it a try. I can't say I felt like I had a butt-kicking workout afterwards, but it definitely wasn't easy for me either. I'm at my 5th week and I'm only just starting to relax a bit whereas before I had to watch what everyone else was doing because I had…