

  • Interesting. Thanks! It shouldn't be too hard to eat a little more each day. More and more of what I'm reading now seems to bolster what you've said.
  • It had been up until this month! Strange, but my weight hasn't budged a bit even though I've been exercising and mostly coming in at or below my daily calorie goal. While it was working, it was like magic, but now that I'm a little stuck and I see the projection as so far off, its a little frustrating. Too bad it couldn't…
  • I noticed Yoga classes @ my gym on Saturdays and decided to give it a try. I can't say I felt like I had a butt-kicking workout afterwards, but it definitely wasn't easy for me either. I'm at my 5th week and I'm only just starting to relax a bit whereas before I had to watch what everyone else was doing because I had…
    in yoga??? Comment by ZenAmok June 2013