

  • I started a week late in the challenge and I am disappointed to say I really haven’t done much. In looking for the positive, I have become more active. I completed a 5k walk this weekend and it was really fun. I am looking forward to doing more. SW 167 CW 167 Garbage: I am not limiting myself to any food groups, but I am…
  • I'm getting around to this late because I had a busy start to the week and with that, I haven't done well this week thus far. I am getting back on track today. SW 167 CW 167 Move: Last week I did well getting 10,000 steps in. I am shooting for that again this week as I will walk a 5K on Friday. Garbage: No chocolate the…
  • SW: 167 FW: joined late SW: 166 I could have done a lot better this week. I had TOM and a very bad cold. I ended up losing my voice and with such a dry throat, I did very little exercise. I didnt eat cake or cookies. I did eat other stuff, but at least I stayed away from those. Move: my pedometer and I will get at least…
  • Late to the game but challenge accepted. Garbage: cookies/cake (esp the ones in my freezer) Moving: get the gym at lunch 2 times this week Inspiration: You are what you eat and right now I am the marshmellow eggs I got for easter!