

  • i am very excited that i have joined this website helps me keep track of what i have been eating and then i she how much i been losing and plus i am working with a very positive and helpful group of co workers that help you...
  • i am 5 months older then my husband and when my birthday comes close he tells our daughter that "It's time to fine a new mommy with less miles and a new version" and i sometimes think that he's serious :(
  • i am 5 months older then my husband and when my birthday comes close he tells our daughter that "It's time to fine a new mommy with less miles and a new version" and i sometimes think that he's serious :(
  • hollyann thank you for the advise i do have a excerise dvd . i am not making up excuses but first me and my husband and daughter live with my in laws and by the time i get home its late, we eat dinner, i give my daughter a bath, play with her for a while put her down for the night, take a shower and put MYSELF to bed. i…
  • i cant jog outside to cold and snowy. what the hell. and i cant efford to go to a gym.
  • i just wish there was an easier way to lose it faster beside laxatives
  • Hoping to lose some weight and look good for the summer and hopefully have my husband look at me with googly eyes and try to cover up what god gave me