

  • Everyone else here has said pretty much exactly what I would say except I would add one thing. I am also not hungry in the morning, but I have a problem with having enough energy during the day. I found that to solve that, I needed to eat in the morning, even if it was a handful of something simple, just to jump-start my…
  • I don't have a size goal, but I do want to be in the middle of my target weight and healthy which I am working on. That said, from the past, I think I looked my best when I was a size 8 US. I don't know what size I am right now, but the last pants I wore were size 10 or 12. So, I have a little bit of adjusting to go, but…
  • I might be completely wrong, but since it hasn't been said, have you considered that maybe you are gaining more muscle because of physical activity that you have added, even if it isn't strength-building? I really agree with the person who said to just wait a little while for the lifestyle to catch up to your body. It…
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