

  • My husband wouldn't like it... So I have to regretfully decline. But you sure are cute.
  • But, DUDE! You lost 30 POUNDS!!! Pancakes? Really? Try working at a restaurant that has the best Sunday Brunch in town, where I give into temptation, and eat tater tots, and bacon all day. I wish I could eat pancakes. I'm allergic to gluten. Be grateful that you can eat that wonderful stuff. I love the taste of pancakes,…
  • Thanks Mate! Here in Rochester, NY enjoying a swim and aqua fit classes. Now... Today is Memorial Day in the U.S. and it's basically a mourning picnic day where everyone gets together and remembers their family and friends who died in past wars. So, we eat, and give thanks for the freedoms we have. Therefore, a double…
  • Jus tjump it off. Run or walk around the block! You are not a failure. Stop saying that to yourself. Affirm and believe. This is my mantra... it's quirky, like me: I can do this I am a space girl! I'm gonna take it all the way Temptation Get behind me I'm going to conquer and succeed. Love, Suzi Willpower!