

  • Since I started I've been logging every day; the good and the bad... It'd be great to find some friends to help me keep coming back and hopefully stop me from falling back into my old habits!
  • MFP is a great place to start. It's amazing how much writing down and keeping track of what you eat will do for you. Just start writing down what you eat everyday and then figure out what you can do to change it. Even the littlest changes will make a difference. If you notice you are drinking soft drinks all the time,…
  • If you find yourself constantly hungry at night, you could try changing your meal times or eating 4-5 smaller meals per day. It will feel like you are eating more, but you are actually eating the same amount of calories. Good luck!
  • I guess I should have clarified; I don't like spicy foods which sort of encompasses about 90% of Korean dishes. The ones I do like seem to be full of carbs which doesn't really help weight loss, at least for me. I do eat the school lunches (maybe that's where my distaste for Korean food comes from!) and I think the…