

  • I am right there with you!! I am a fluffier girl and every time before this that I have tried to go on a diet, I hide it! I felt like people would just mock me, and of course all the diets failed! This time I have my whole family and a lot of my friends working out with me and eating clean! :smile: Welcome Back!
  • Hello All! I am 5' 1 1/2, Yes that 1/2 and inch counts ;). Feel free at add me, it is always nice finding people within your height and weight range to go through this journey with :)
  • HI! My name is Ashley, I am working on loosing 100+ lbs. I have lost about 10 lbs so far and could really use some motivation to keep on track! I am about to start the herbalife shakes and weight loss plan! Please feel free to add me!!