

  • Not really, though I've heard a lot about the wonders of frozen bananas! That sounds really good, I have to try that!
  • I've been running for a while myself, but only started getting a bit serious about it this year. Now I run 3-5 miles some 2 or 3 times a week depending on how I'm feeling that day :) I just recently started doing interval training and it's definitely killing me. Do you guys do intervals? I'm a bit new to it so I'm still…
  • This group looks fab, great to be here! ;-) My greatest 'must haves' are definitely bananas and frozen berries.. Raspberries and blueberries in particular. Other than those I start feeling strange if I don't get oatmeal, greek yoghurt and green tea for a day or two! Like how I just burned my mouth pretty badly few days ago…