ninawoodcock188 Member


  • Thank you, I think I'm going to cut the dairy right back - don't think I can go cold turkey on cheese though! Doctors are just so black and white I'm so glad I found this forum :happy: Thank you!
  • Totally agree on ditching the cool whip and jello, full of chemicals and trans-fats! Don't be scared of adding fat to your diet, your body needs fat to produce hormones. Try to get lots of omega 3's in, most people consume too much omega 6 and not enough 3, ratio should be about 1.1, oily fish and flax are great sources.…
  • Hi everyone I hope you don't mind me joining in, I just found this group after being diagnosed on Monday... My doc suggested eating low GI foods, she said her sister in law has PCOS and has lost 4 stone (56lbs) using a low GI diet plan and HIIT training!! Maybe try and incorporate some HIIT into your schedule 2-3 times a…