IIISpartacusIII Member


  • I rarely see any women even try to use "heavy" weights for anything so you must train in a great gym. I once saw a tall, muscular, Amazonian looking woman Squat 225 lbs deeeeeep for about 5 reps and she was definitely on steroids and weighed about 180 at least. Leg press is a bit different. If you use a limited range of…
  • What is it that you're hoping to cleanse? "Toxins" latch on to your body fat, not undigested food in your system which doesn't amount to much anyway. Also, even if you could remove "toxins" what point would there be to removing them for say a 24 hr period since right after they're back in your system. The net effect is…
  • I have two "higher calorie" days during the week on purpose. My net calories for the week are pretty damn low because of exercise so in the long term I'm still really under. The purpose of the two high calorie days is to keep my body from becoming too "fuel efficient" and learning to operate well on less calories. Once…
  • - feel like a kid at christmas when your order of knee sleeves comes in because now you can still squat without as much inflamation - freak out when you tally up your protein at the end of the day and it's not at least one gram per pound of bodyweight - are happy wearing shorts because you get to show off the cut up shins…
  • Heavy lifting has helped me to: 1. crush my enemies 2. see them driven before me 3. hear the lamentation of their women
  • Actually Zyzz died from a number of things but mostly stupidity. He loved party drugs, especially coke and Ecstasy, probably had an enlarged heart from the steroids and was known for taking diuretics and saunas to rid himself of excess water. He was found dead in a sauna. The sad part is that his physique was definitely…
  • How many miles per day were you doing before the 5 mile goal? Typically most people require a conditioning period which primes there bodies to hit the 5 mile mark 6 days a week. Jogging isn't as brutal as running to beat your own PR every day but it is high impact cardio which can take a toll on your joints, ligaments,…
  • For a moment I almost mistook you for Arnold Schwarteneggar in his prime... but no... you actually look much better.
  • To hard rules: 1. if it ain't broke don't fix it 2. if it don't work it's broke If you're dropping weight then why care if you're going over on specific macro nutrients, i.e. carbs. If you're not dropping then maybe you should switch up carbs for some protein or some fat (whatever needs tending). Also, you could save your…
  • If you can run continuously for three hours straight, then I'm not sure weight loss is what you need; your conditioning is Olympian! That said, you probably didn't cover 20 miles or anything and it was probably more like a jog or a walk, jog and you didn't go non stop. Just sit back and enjoy the 3.5 lb loss since you…
  • You have a BMR of about 1,483.15. Based on age, weight, height. If you add 500 calories worth of exercise you'll be in a deficit without eating under maintenance. You could add a reasonable 250 cal deficit and do 250 worth of exercise to get a 500 cal deficit. You could also try carb cycling, carb reloading etc. and…
  • Oh come on! Never mind the woman in the photo... she's a prop; it's all about the CHEESE! Get it!!!
  • Of course there is such a thing as too much cardio. Your body will adapt to the hours of cardio and you'll need to keep it up to not start gaining weight again. You should be working on keeping your metabolism healthy. What's your diet like? I took a quick look but it looks like your not logging which defeats the purpose…
  • I crystallize it and snort it for quick energy pre workout. Works like a charm!
  • Most people don't have the genetics to build much muscle regardless of their efforts. This doesn't mean they can't make huge improvements but it does mean that they won't be turning into IFBB Pro bodybuilders accidentally from doing lots of P90X (advanced).
  • I'm finding it hard to believe that you've never beens sore before. Yeah... stuff you do in life sometimes hurts. Every time you really challenge yourself physically you risk being sore, it's part of the package. Do some light cardio, take a hot shower, some advil and check in with me tomorrow for more of my priceless gems…
  • Don't just drop your carbs, try carb cycling and on the low carb days remember to bring your fat intake up so that you meet your caloric requirements for the day. I'd personally be asking the opposite question: How many carbs can I eat and still lose fat? The answer to that question is contingent on your metabolism,…
  • Crystal meth is a helluva drug!
  • So here's a bit of honest advice, arguments from authority (da coach) are logical fallacies. Nothing is true because someone real smart or important or rich said it; instead, if it turns out to be true then there are specific processes and mechanisms involved that render it true. That said... what's the actual context of…
  • This is Rob Riches, he weighs about 174 at 5'10" but looks amazing and is a natural bodybuilder. I'd like to look sort of like him:
  • HIIT Cardio WINS AGAIN! YAH!!! ***dances around room as worried onlookers quickly dial 911 to report the disruption***
  • Does your cousin have a learning disability?
  • I had those same questions when I was doing some running with the HRM (Polar FT7) since I was typically running a full 20 minutes at about 105-110% of my HR Max (though I'm still alive to type about it). What I found was that eventually, as I became more cardiovascularly fit, the numbers dropped down a bit to 85-95% of my…
  • With some diuretics, laxatives and a sauna you could lose 10-15 lbs tonight! Clearly it isn't a healthy way to go about it and it certainly won't be fat loss for good so you have to focus on what it is that you actually want; the scale to read 10 lbs less or a leaner, healthier you that's a mere 10 lbs away albeit a longer…
  • So whilst you were keeping your macros consistent, the glycogen in your body was depleted and when you ate the extra carbs it was replenished and is still replenished. This isn't a fat gain, just your muscles trying to hold on to glycogen (which bonds with water to make you gain a little weight). Don't let it get you down,…
  • If it's within your caloric intake and it fits your macro nutrient goals, why not? Nothing magic happens at night. I'd personally go with the lower glycemic food, i.e. the apple but in the end it's not that big a deal.
  • The guys on the tae bo program that are really "muscley" are also doing some weight training that you don't see on the video. Men also have a lot more testosterone than women so it's easier for them to get that "muscley" look. Unless you were planing on doing steroids, I wouldn't worry about building too much muscle but…
  • This is sheer nonsense; you can't make your muscles "longer" since they are attached to your BONES! Also, lean muscles are a product of lowering bodyfat and NOT "slower, long distance running" which is the most inefficient way to get leaner. HIIT cadio training is short, sweet and clearly superior; the research has been in…
  • "You can't out work a bad diet" meaning that you shouldn't binge and then tell yourself that you'll just "work it off at the gym". You won't. You'll just stay fat or get fatter. Gyms across the world are filled with people spending hours on treadmills in hopes of burning off that cheesecake and in the final balance they…
  • I like this one too. Soooo many people complain that they're starving when in fact there's plenty of healthy, low calorie, high fiber stuff to eat that will kill the hunger so they can move on with their lives. What they really mean is that they are craving something that will make them "feel better" psychologically and…