Suirad24 Member


  • Hello i totally understand what you mean. I recently started , and trying to stay focused.:happy: You can add me
  • Hello I am Suirad, I created my account but have not been actively using it. I am looking forward to meet new friends and become and active participant. I need to lose at least 100 lbs. I have been working out to the Biggest Walking video , and Hip Hop Abs by ShaunT. I also have Zumba, but I have decided to hold out , and…
  • Hello I am Suirad, I created my account but have not been actively using it. I am looking forward to meet new friends and become and active participant. I need to lose at least 100 lbs. I have been working out to the Biggest Walking video , and Hip Hop Abs by ShaunT. I also have Zumba, but I have decided to hold out , and…