

  • Please count me in. I have never been in a challenge before so I'm not exactly sure how to keep in touch with everyone, but hopefully I will get the hang of it.
  • The same thing has happened to me, but it didn't last for 2 weeks. I started a low carb diet awhile ago where I cut out everything. Sugars, Breads, sweets, junk food, pasta, everything. For the first 3 days, I was feeling the way you were feeling. Very angry. Tired. Shaky. Irritable. But I did research before hand and I…
  • Congrats on your future success. Stick to it, even when things get rough. Remember, you and your health are worth it. :-)
  • I am on weight watchers until May 27. I canceled my membership today. Finances. But I am still going strong. How are you doing on it?
  • I am on Weight Watchers. I love it. It's like anything else. You get out of it what you put into it. It's a lifestyle change that I am sticking too. I have lost 10 pounds and 2 dress sizes. And like someone said, when I lose weight, I feel good and everything else follows suit. But when I feel bad, I say "screw the plan"…
  • It sounds like it's more than mind games. Find out what triggers you wanting to eat. Is it the same time daily? I found out I am a "party" eater. Meaning, as soon as the kids go to bed, if I'm alone and it's "me" time. I grab something just because....I can and because the kids aren't around to say "Moma can I". LOL In…
  • You have to get it in anyway you can. It's a sacrifice. But it's worth it. I have to watch tv right before bed. It's how I wind down, so as I watch tv, I jog in place or around my bed for at least 20/30 minutes. If I feel real good, I'll do a few sit-ups after wards. It's a sacrifice and it's not easy, but it's worth it.
  • Question #1 - I weigh-in once a week. I drove myself crazy doing it daily, So I stopped. Question #2 - I don't poop every morning, nor every day. But I wish I could. I envy those who can. LOL
    in weighing in Comment by MrsJazi May 2011
  • Good luck. I am new as well. We can do it!!!
  • Wow!! 9lbs in 3 weeks. You are my new mentor. LOL. Congrats!
  • Good luck! I hope you reach your goal.
  • I'm new too. I'm 32, so it's never too late. Good luck to you as well.
  • I'm new as well. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
    in New girl Comment by MrsJazi January 2011
  • I haven't. Sorry.