rachelcole88 Member


  • Yay! I'm so excited to have more people on this forum! Welcome and good luck!
  • Good luck to you too!!!!
  • Thank you! I haven't measured but I'm my trainer said my close will start fitting differently at about week 4. And then every 4 weeks after! Assuming I stay the course, which I plan too. He thinks I should be down about 100 lbs by nov which will put me within arms reach of my goal weight! Yay for not being ashamed to take…
  • I actually just got a fit but two weekends ago it's a charge Hr as well and I'm loving it! I really haven't done too well up to this point. I can make lots of excuses but at this point lets just call it: I fell off the wagon because I didn't fully commit. However, I'm back on now and I'm going at it full force. I work out…
  • I just added you Erin. Good luck and welcome! I just want this forum to be about our experiences as each of us go on this journey!
  • This happened to me at universal in florida. I was mortified! I can't even express to you how horrible it was! And my husband was livid (not with me with the ride/universal) and couldn't understand how I couldn't fit and kinda made a scene and I appreciate where his heart was at... The whole defending my honor and what not…
  • Hi All, So work got crazy and I TOTALLY fell off the weight loss wagon for March and April! I'm back on track and I even convinced my husband that it would help me if I got a personal trainer to help with my exercising. Frankly for me if I'm shelling out $25 a session plus $30 a month for a gym membership I'm sticking with…
  • Hi All, I'm not sure how to add people. I know most under 30 people are super techy not me! Please add me and I will definitely accept. How is everyone doing so far? Down any more?
  • That's great!! Thanks! This is my second attempt at losing weight but I feel more motivated this time so I'm hoping/planning on doing a better job than last time