

  • i have been having some knee pain..is this normal?..Im am on week three of turbo fire and felt good up till now..I dont know if my eyes are just overworked or what, but today I actually went and bought new shoes maybe they will help. Tomorrow I do a HIT work out and Im really looking forward to doing it
  • Yeah that Fire 55 was hard the first time I did it. I kept taking breaks to drink water and by the end I think the mix of all the water and the jumping around made me feel like I was gonna throw up. Keep up the good work!
  • Hello there, My name is Carolina, Im a 28 years old and a SAHM of two kiddos, a little girl soon to be 5 and a boy almost 3. I am really loving TF is really my type of workout. I am currently at the tail end of week two. I actually look forward to working out thats how much I like TF but I am dissapointed that after almost…