GitaMe Member


  • I have had an ex tell me he cheated on me because I got too thick all of a sudden and when he touched the rolls on my waist it turned him off. ... And that is why he is my EX :-) Forget that! Flash forward - Hubby #2 - Met me when were both in the greatest shape of our life. We struggled together to develop ourselves…
  • IF comes naturally to me almost. I started doing it for weightloss but with Keto it just works for me as a daily way of life. I actually feel more mentally focused at work if I skip breakfast. I get a little "edgy" about 1 to 2 hours after waking but it goes away after about 15 minutes. When I wanted to build my fasting…
  • 50 lbs in 90 days. Now struggling through the last 10 (vanity)
    in Progress Comment by GitaMe October 2017
  • My Birthday is the first week of June also, and I am 6-7 lbs away from my goal to be less than 140 .. I am in :-)
  • Hang in there nsaglian! You will get there! Look how far you have already come!
    in 60 lbs lost Comment by GitaMe April 2013
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Wow! You look fantastic, but I know you feel amazing too :-) I bet all that hard work was soooo worth it. :-)
    in 60 lbs lost Comment by GitaMe April 2013
  • Brobles, Congrats on a fantastic first week :-) I think what you are experiencing is a combination of water loss, calorie reduction, and a positive reaction to the digestive enzymes from your "cleaner" food in take. As you know, one of the major points of clean eating is reducing (if not eliminating) carbs from breads,…
  • LOL!
  • I think you might also be interested in reading a website called Mark's Daily Apple and a book called the Primal Blueprint and a topic called Paleo Diet. It is all based around the fact that processed foods are a relatively new concept to the human diet. Our earliest ancestors were not eating processed grains, bread, and…
  • Hey There! I am actually using the Raspberry Ketones that I purchased from Amazon. I do not watch Dr. Oz, so his show was not a factor in my decision to use it. I purchased Raspberry Ketone Platinum (2 Bottles) - Clinical Strength - All Natural Fat Burning, Weight Loss, Diet Supplement, 60 capsules…
  • That one got tears in my eyes. I love the message :-)
  • I am almost there with you :-) 5'7 Starting Weight - 152 Current Weight - 148 Goal Weight # - 135 Goal Weight #2 - 130 I am trying to get to 140 by early June :-) Right now I am doing 4 days a week of Elliptical and pretty soon I am going to start adding weight. Good to meet you :-)
  • TWIN! Female 5 foot 7 SW - 152 CW - 148 GW 1 - 135 GW 2 - 130