

  • I'm with you, Girl! I'm turning 30 next month..feel free to make me your friend.
  • I've heard great things about this video and since I live in GA and work less than 15 minutes from the the mother/daughter gym, I was gonna stop in and get it but I'm hesistant to because I've asthma so too much "hypness" doesn't work for me. Is it really rigourous?
  • The same thing happened to me yesterday and I raided my coworker's desk for 4 pieces of chocolate. I just worked out a tab bit longer. So, give in to your cravings...just pay for it later. Sorta like credit cards.
  • I hate water, too. A lot. So, I've been using the Crystal Light Liquid(s)..the Pomtini one is really good and its 0 calories. Give it a try.