AlexThreeClaw Member


  • I was thinking this too. I'd actually pay to see Katie Hopkins face if that happened. Bonus points if the baby turns out ginger.
  • If I were as financially stable as the OP suggests, and it were my mum moving in, then yep. I'd definitely charge a token rent because it would make my mum feel like it was as much her home as possible. Without a fixed rental payment, she'd probably feel like a burden, a charity case even, and I strongly suspect she'd be…
  • Tricky question. I actually like the flavour of anise, I think black sambuca is a fabulous drink, but some liquorice is just plain foul. I usually give all my liquorice to my mum. She loves the stuff. I'm pretty cheap though, I'll eat it for £25 per centimetre square. Edited to add - I once ate the lead from a mechanical…
  • I realised this when I was eating chocolate last week. 25g per serving the label said. It's a 400g package and I've always assumed each block was one serving, but when I counted them out last week I was missing an entire block. Turns out every individual block was more than 25g! It's not a problem at the moment, I've got…
  • I started walking at ridiculously late hours when I used to suffer from severe anxiety. Having too many people around freaked me out but I could wrap myself in a cloak of stars and leave the house at the night. I felt safe because I could hear people coming before I saw them, and because the rare people you see tend to…
  • The plan I got when I first signed up worked great going from 85kg down to 80kg, some weeks I even lost weight slightly faster than expected, but when I hit 79kg it did some re-calculations and I found my new daily calorie allowance was far too strict for me to stick to. I felt ravenous all the time and I was regularly…
  • Snap. I have mentioned to some people that I'm trying to make better nutritional choices but as soon as you use the word "diet" a lot of people assume you mean "fad diet" and you start getting crazy suggestions and stupid comments disguised as assistance, like "You can't have that! I thought you were on a diet". "Never…
  • Women with mustaches rock my world.
  • Really? No repercussions at all?! You lucky sod. I've often declined a drink because I just didn't fancy one, only to be offered a cigarette instead, I don't smoke. Pizza? Oh, thank you but no. I've already eaten. Suddenly I'm considered a complete freak and everyone in the immediate area is looking at each other,…
  • Tell 'em to shove their apple pie ice cream where the monkey hid his nuts. If they can't respect your decision to politely decline their snacking invitations, maybe they'll take notice when you treat them as rudely as they're treating you. Perhaps that's a little too rude. You could try a sweetly aggressive, "Oh, that…
  • Shin splints. It does sound like the tissues in your foot are tight. Movement loosens them up so that the pain subsides. It's usually worst in the mornings because you've had a whole night of rest. I recommend you alternate ice and warmth. Massage your feet. Stretch often, especially your calves and hamstrings. Actively…
  • Reminds me of Prahlad Jani who claims not to have eaten a thing for decades. (edited for a typo)
  • Eee, I'm a bit late clocking this thread. Sorry about that. I've been quite selfish over the last couple of months. I was extremely ill for the first few months of the year and when I started feeling better I got a bit carried away with me-time. I've just had a wonderful week where I managed to get up at a decent time…
  • You're doing great! I wouldn't really think about changing your plans until you've seen a lack of any progress for a few weeks. You're still losing, it's still working. You have to expect your monthly losses to be smaller as you get closer to your target. If you really want to make a change you could perhaps try working…
  • 5'1" over here. Happy to have fellow short friends. Shoot me a message. :-)
  • I'm on Fluoxetine again at the moment. (Prozac) I've been on it twice before in the past. The first time my depression had gotten so debilitating that I couldn't even summon up the effort to make notes on how it was affecting me. I felt kinda numb on it for a long time but it helped me get back on my feet and cope with…
  • It doesn't work for me. I found once I stop actively concentrating on my posture I slide into a comfortable but extremely slouched, slightly lop sided position, and that's not good at all. Your mileage may vary but I think it's probably best to sit in a more supportive chair for the majority of the time and stretch out…
  • I'm a delicate flower and even the mildest constructive criticism about my diary will upset me. I'm not even being sarcastic. I keep the diary so I can hold myself accountable, I log what I eat and I try not to beat myself up when I don't follow the plan. I like to think I'm doing pretty well, 13lbs in two months, but I…
  • My dog has quickly grown accustomed to the luxury of having me personally take him out for at least one of his walks every day. If I skip a day and have someone else walk with him, he makes sure to widdle on my trainers during the night. I'm finding this extremely motivational.
  • If that's his worst habit, he sounds practically perfect. XD "Now I ain't saying she a gold digger" - 'Cause I never had a lot of cash to begin with, but I had a girlfriend who would take considerable advantage of my generosity and "forget" to pay her bills a lot. She was a massive drain on my meagre resources.
  • It's a nice idea but almost impossible to implement fairly. For a start fines will hit poorer families much harder than wealthy ones. and in my experience the schools don't actually notice the actual bullies but crack down on people defending themselves from bullies. Anecdote - The only time I got into serious trouble at…
  • I think this is your answer. Nobody you ask, no matter how experienced they may be, could make an accurate judgement about whether or not you're rushing into this. We can't possibly know how you and this guy feel about each other. All that matters is that you and him and comfortable with it. If you would have married him…
  • This, exactly. My favourite aunt would swear like a trooper. It was a little bit confusing. We all knew we'd in so much trouble if we repeated the things she said and we never really understood how she could get away with being so rude to people, even the most uptight people would let it slide. I guess it's because…
  • Congrats on getting a bike, I absolutely love mine and I'm currently around 175 with a tremendous height of 5'1". Best of luck getting comfortable. You can do it! x
  • I'm either a bass player or a football player. XD
  • It's not just okay, I applaud it. I do think it's best to love your body whatever it's shape. I don't want to encourage unhealthy extremes but I do think being content and comfortable in you own skin, loving your body, doing what makes you happy, is far more important than being in peak physical condition. That said, it's…
  • A creeper is usually someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. They might stare at you. They might make weird, usually sexual, comments. They may not even do anything odd but their presence alone is enough to make your skin crawl. Stalking is a creeper behaviour, but not all creepers are stalkers. At my house, we've also…
  • I loved the original post too. I know just how it feels having to build up from rock bottom and face challenges most people don't even have to think about so it was great to read this story. Many congratulations to the un-named Spartan Racer! You're bloody brilliant. Way to go!
  • Be good. If you can't be good, be careful.
  • Weirdest thing seen at my gym was possibly me, the time I was fiddling my mp3 player, dropped it and then kicked it under the treadmill. I'm sure it looked like I was doing a very strange workout routine. Jog to the treadmill, drop and do a push up. Hop around to the other side. Drop down and get up. Jog to the other end…