

  • iStay healthy by jogging on the weekends , eating fruits and veggies , spending atleast 30 minutes outside. drink lots of water :) .
  • Using personal statements, meaning speaking only for yourself and how YOU feel, 1. Discuss what works well in this class and 2. What does not work well in this class. 3. You also should speak to why you believe it is successful 4. Why is it not successful. 5. Finally you need to provide suggestions for a solution. i Think…
  • Q1. Stay Active . Q2. Dont Let This Disease Chase You Can Prevent It . Q2. Dont Be Scared Of Diabetes , Scare Diabetes By Beinq Healthy & Active ..
  • - iGo Out Joggging With My Older Sister Or My Friend .. & Play Basket Ball For Fun With Mason , And With My Older Brother . iGet A Little Workout Out Of It & Its Fun, It Keeps Me Busy , And It Helps Me Calm Down .
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