

  • Very cute love it : ):laugh:
  • I am new at this I have been on fitness pal for 17 days now, but I just wanted to tell you to keep your head up! You are trying and I know it is frustrating but you should be proud of yourself for the effort you are putting in. So don't lose sight of your goal in your frustration and remember it will happen!!! You can do…
  • I love it too and my Best friend of almost 25 years recently put the lyrics to the theme song on my FB page and it made my day LOL:happy:
  • There was a left over Cosmic brownie in my sons lunch yesterday since he had a snow day and I totally woke up at 2:30 a.m. and ate it LOL
  • I am kinda new so I don':happy: t know how you would restart but you could just start clean by maybe editing your info and goals that may take you back to starting fresh!! Hang int here there are gonna be ups and downs but you can do it!!!
  • Good Luck!! We are all in the same boat so we can offer each other the support I am also new, started 10 days ago. ttys :smile:
  • I so understand this!!! I was a super skinny size zero before my kids never had to worry about how much I ate or anything lol those were the days!! BUT NOW its a whole different story I have two boys ages 4 and 6 and now I can get into a size 8 but its a challenge lol I did however have to buy two new pairs of pants in…
  • I think thats a great tip!! and also a great way to look at it about the weight loss it took me 6 years and two children to get a little heavier and it will take a while to get back in shape too :) thanks :)