

  • Buying healthy food is very expensive especially if you are eating organic, so I would be very upset if anyone was eating my chicken breast or fresh fish. Depending on if you work or not, I used to hide most of my good stuff at work. I do shop daily as well but not everyone has time for that. My family brings home chips…
  • I hear your pain and also have blood sugar problems. See if you can get a hold of a movie called "Hungry for Change" it changed the way I see food and it changed my life. It was the biggest eye opener and wake up call I had in my life! I hope it does the same for you.
  • I agree with all of you, it is rude to invite guests if you are someone's guest. Sadly I have people in my family who do this!
  • This is a wonderful idea and I will try this tomorrow. I do this with lean chopped chicken breast but I'm tired of it so thanks for the tip.