sammyvan104 Member


  • I'm on day 6 (but started it 10 days ago). I'm in -6 days of Level 1 is the best of have done in my previous attempts. For anyone interested Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred Level one is on Amazon for $1.99 (Level 2 and 3 also $1.99 a piece). I have been doing it on my Kindle Fire. I find it really easy to pause and rewind if…
  • Hi - I am new to this -just joined- what is tree-% I'm 38 trying to lose 15 pounds -I should eat about 1250 calories which seems really low . . . maybe I should try for 1400 because I don't think I'm going to be very successful otherwise . . . also trying to do 30 day shred everyday and hoping for better weather so I can…