English_Edd Member


  • Colchester England
  • I suspect like a lot of people my work (IT) means I'm sitting behind a desk most of the day and I cannot eat when I feel like it. I have no access to hot food at lunch time so my main meal is at dinner 6-7pm. I have always presumed that if I load up on food (calories) at a late time of the day and then go to bed my body is…
  • It appears to me as others have said that it's just a way of reducing the average weekly intake but that the calorie drop is in 2 days of the week. I couldnt do it, I would end up eating more on the days straight after the fast.
  • Good idea to check these things out before hand. No science I know of backs up what I’m going to say :-) The only advice I can give you is from experience, I lost a lot of weight very quickly due to the fact I was active but eating too much, or more to the point snacking without realising the calories I was consuming, cut…