

  • HI, I've just gone back to read the posts from people here and missed yours. I'm sorry not to have replied sooner. Yes, on occasion I have felt the desire to eat that way with cereals for supper instead of breakfast. I shall likely do that more often when winter returns, as it's a good way to warm up in the morning. Thank…
  • Well, as if the above list weren't complete enough, I've now learned that all milk proteins are added to the rest. Yesterday I made a couple of pancakes with Pamela's pancake mix, using coconut beverage, extra baking soda and a touch of olive oil in the mix. It was okay and I was glad for a different form of starch. I've…
  • Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I'm doing my best to avoid high glycemic foods, along with the ones I'm allergic to. I'll definitely check out your advice. I'm currently going for 1200 calories/day, but the exercise or lack thereof is making the biggest difference. Now that spring is approaching I'm again becoming active…
  • Hi JuneB, Actually, I've not read any diet books lately. What I'm seeing is that exercise is for me the big thing I need to add more of into my day. After a really sluggish winter, I'm now more active and see that I can consume more, but I'd be fine if I just kept moving my body more and preferably outdoors. However, I'd…
  • At this point I'm set for about 1200 calories a day, give or take, depending on exercise. That is the big game changer for me. Thanks for writing, by the way. I appreciate people taking time from their own lives to help. Riesah
  • Wow, Shirleygirl, You're doing great! Thanks so much for the suggestion and for writing me. Have a blessed day, Riesah
  • Thanks for your great idea; I'll try it.
  • Cool. Thanks a bunch. I'm new around here, so is the meter under your share indicating you've lost 7 pounds? If so, congratulations! Hope I see that number soon. Riesah
  • Thanks Matisse, Seems I was on your wavelength by making my green drink this morning. I'll try kale. Around here it can be a bit bitter, but I do eat it and like it a lot. I may try to grow some this summer. Thanks also for the recipe. You're brilliant!
  • Hello Petitemort, Hm Little Death. Is this what I think it is? Anyway, I so appreciate your suggestions. I like variety in my diet, and I'm finding in these first few days online here, that the caloric, sugar and sodium content of foods are real eyeopeners for me. I've eaten healthily all my life, but being so inactive in…
  • Hi Crucify, Thanks for the suggestions. I do like yogurt, hemp hearts and have agave, but haven't used it. I don't mind yogurt plain though. I'm pretty new at this and so far, have been shocked by the caloric and/or sugar and/or sodium content of the healthy foods I eat. This is forcing me to find other options, which I…
  • Hi Pamplemousse, This almost spells grapefruit in French! Thanks for your suggestion about bacon. I would have thought it would be high in fat and calories, but I'll check it out. I am eating yogurt with fruit, seeds and some nuts, all without salt and mixing it with some berries. Today I made a green drink in the blender…
  • Hi Matisse, I live in SW Alberta, Canada; which part of Britain are you living in? I lived there many years ago and also carry a UK passport. Thanks for the advice about oats. I like them too and have an organically raised variety. I'm just concerned about the calories. I've been a healthy eater all my life and recently…