

  • This would be good advice - the downfall is some people (including me) sometimes have problems telling the difference between 'hunger' and 'cravings' :)
  • My understanding of starvation mode is not that you get fat by eating too little! BUT it can slow down your metabolism so when you begin to eat more again (if you eat to much after the 'diet') you gain weight faster because your metabolism is slower. This is obviously more of a problem for crash dieters, but I just found…
  • I did vegan for 2 months but no matter how much spinach/beans etc I ate I couldnt keep my iron levels up (apart from that it felt great!). Hoping to try again soon but im so bad a preparing vegan meals (Im a terrible cook) so looking at other vegans food diaries would really help me xD. Thanks for the motivation and for…
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