Mandy165 Member


  • I joined WW, and use MFP as a secondary. Being accountable to both and tracking in both seems to work for me. I’m just finished off week #3, WI tomorrow to see if I can improve on the 11lbs lost already.
  • Wow, what a difference!! Good for you for making such a lifestyle change. You truly are an inspiration 😊
  • Make sure you visit here every day. Lots of great people to support and guide you!
    in Need help Comment by Mandy165 May 2019
  • Pop is a tough one as I only picked up this bad habit a few years ago, yesterday was day 1 without it. I actually have felt more tired and irritated past few days but will stick with it. Wish you lots of success on your journey!
  • Welcome! Wishing you lots of success in your journey!
  • Welcome back! So sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. I am happy to hear you are going to focus on yourself. Please feel free to add me for support. Wishing you nothing by the very best!
  • I spend way too much of my time trying to make everyone else in my life happy. The well is dry when it comes to myself. Now I have realized this, figuring out how to change it.
  • An hour outside of the GTA. Day 1, so always looking for options or suggestions!
  • Thank you, to both of you. I will be back once I figure out how to “add” people. Lol
    in Back again! Comment by Mandy165 May 2019
  • I would love to join please!
  • 42 year old Mom. My “little” one is almost 14 so need to set a good example. Back at this, as of 3 days ago. Diet and exercise it is, after many attempts at fad diets. 70 lbs to lose. Being held accountable is the key to my success. We can do this!
  • Hey! 5’ 10.5” here. Currently 224 and looking for an end weight of 155. Haven’t seen below 195 in over 22 years- will see how this goes. SW- 235 CW-224 GW-155
  • I agree that it is important to log. I am currently working on logging my food, let alone binges. It is so important. I am boring and eat the same foods almost every day so I become complacent. That is when my progress stalls. Log everything (coming from someone who needs to step up!)
  • I do not restrict myself on vacations. I just recently went on a girl's week long get away to an all inclusive resort. Ate and drank like everyone else. I did offer to get the drinks more often than anyone else. The trip to the bar is exercise, right? Came home and did not put on any weight. Had a blast and some good…
  • Almost every morning as a mid-morning snack. I carve out the middle to make a little canoe and fill with peanut butter. Very filling! :tongue: