

  • Falafels sound yum! I'm waiting on the latest Hairy Bikers cook book to pop on to my door matt..... so I can allow myself to have a bakathon (i.e fill up the freezer) with low cal goodies. I've yet to make their lasagne, but it looked good, swapping pasta for leeks - recipe on the BBC Food site if anyone wants it.
  • Nike+ vs Micoach... I've used both for a long time and just find the micoach gives you a lot more feedback when actually running. Its got me round a few half marathons (albeit very slowly!). I also have a yoga one but I feel like a muppet having to keep looking at the pictures to see where various body parts should be.…
  • +1 for nuts... protein to keep you feeling full and blood sugars level (insert science bit here) and good fat, which everyone needs a it of :)
  • When I go running (read: jogging) I use addidas micoach on my iphone. It does all the GPS stuff to track your speed, route, calories etc but you can set up pace zones so it will tell you when you are going too fast or too slow. Much better fat burning to run intervals instead of just one flat speed the whole time. Even…
  • Well done all of you so far, great results. I weighed in on Sunday and was 3 lbs down which was not so bad given I had a good week but I'd been at a BBQ on Saturday night where a little (*cough*) bit of alcohol was consumed. Everyone laughed at me when I brought my own bit of mackeral to stick on the BBQ instead of the…
  • Hi everyone, I'm Katie, I'm fat and I want to be skinnier! Great to see lots of like minded people here. I love cooking - baking cupcakes and pies in particular - and as much as I do a fair bit of running (and currently getting into kettlebells) I have just got rounder and rounder in the last few years as I have a fairly…