knottyceltic Member


  • I can't edit anything or delete anything in "My Foods". I was able to create the foods and use them on my daily food chart but I made a mistake on one of the foods and although it says in the instructions there should be buttons there to "EDIT" or "DELETE", they don't exist. They don't exist on my laptop and they don't…
  • Isn't it all down to the food choices you make?
  • Great reply! :o) I only have one sibling but he's been slim and fit all his life without workouts or diets or anything. I on the other hand have struggled with weight all my life. It's not the food, it's what food you eat and how much of it. Granted my brother and I obviously have some body composition issues that are…
  • THANK YOU Mystic :o) xxx
  • Ya, 1680 calorie goal was the closest I could rig up to be near the 1700 it was previously. I don't know what happened. But by fiddling with my ticker, it also changed my calorie goal from 1700 to 1900+ a day. Leave it to me to bugger up yet another thing while I'm trying to fix the first. *sigh*
  • The toast question was on my provincial nurses exam 28 years ago and the answer is "there is no caloric difference".
  • Sorry but I would avoid this "nutritionist" like the plague. 900 calories is not recommended for any adult unless they've had recent weight loss surgery and are on liquids and soft foods and even then it's not much. But for a healthy adult woman of your height there is no way you should be advised to take 1,000 calories a…
  • I posted first and have just gone through and read the replies. I think some sound harsh and mine might fall into that category but sensory issues are a choice when you become a teen or adult. Teens and adults (unlike babies, toddlers and youngsters) are able to cognitively know that the sensory issue is just that, an…
  • It comes down to choices. Regardless of your sensory issues (both my preemies have oral and tactile sensory issues) you just "do it". My kids were not permitted to pick and choose their foods simply because of their sensory issues and as an adult you should know not to do it either. You just find things you think you can…
  • have you tried boy-style undies where the leg comes down a little? I don't like to go commando b/c I perspire too much and it feels "icky" so I wear the boy-style for exactly the reason you stated, all the shifting and slippage.
  • I would think you should be in the 17-1800 calorie region for your age/gender/current weight/height.
  • Can that possibly be right? 1200 cals a day for a grown woman of your height sounds terribly low, particularly if you are active.
  • <<<<CHOCOLATE>>>>> I can't ever give it up. Now I have just one chocolate bar on the weekend to satisfy the gnawing hunger for it. I also will never give up my sugarfree soda. I just love it too much and can't get water past my mouth. I find water smells bad and tastes even worse. I know diet soda shouldn't ever be a…
  • I don't think it's fair to tell CM that 3 pound weights are going to do nothing for her. She's currently eating below her BMR because of not being able to exercise at all but as she's willing to start with 3 pound weights then I say she should go for it. She can start with that and graduate a few times a week to slightly…
  • Represe'n Southern Ontario, Canada :)
  • My goal is to ultimately lose weight and be in the normal range for my age/height/gender. I have a good sum to lose too. I started at 289 pounds and need to be around 130/135 pounds. I've lost 50 so far but still have a long way to go.
  • fat_destroza You're doing GREAT! Keep it up :)
  • Dani, I'm 47 years old but it feels like being your age was just a blink of an eye ago. The time passes so quickly. Don't spend it struggling being fat. If you have to struggle and life in general IS a struggle for most of us, then struggle to be healthy instead of sick. I almost hit 300 and was already starting to have…
  • Me too...currently 47 Barb
  • I wouldn't mind having an online weight loss buddy but as with the previous poster, meeting up at the gym is a bit difficult as I live in the middle of CANADA. LOL. Send me a friend request if you like :bigsmile: I started my weight loss peaking at 289 pounds (5'4" tall) so morbidly obese. I had some scares feeling I was…