zahra2011 Member


  • glad to see peace reigns - at least on mfp. good luck to you both
  • Welcome to mfp! But would anyone really freak out on here if you were Iraqi? I hope not! (I'm not Iraqi either btw). Stay safe. :smile:
  • When you say your metabolism remains the same from the age of 50 does that mean we can't do anything about it after that? I've made some half-hearted attempts over the years to get fit but it's only in the last 5 months since joining mfp that I've really managed to stick at it. I definitely feel better since I started this…
  • I just give in to the cravings and earn the calories back with exercis. In fact that's been my philosophy since I started mfp - whatever the time of the month! It works for me as I don't actually feel as if I'm depriving myself and yet i'm losing weight. .:smile: