

  • i can literally gain and lose 8 pounds in the matter of a couple days. and i'm 5'7" 130. so i'm guessing if you're actually staying on track and strayed once that it's food/water weight. do you weigh yourself at the same time of day? also, if you just check your weight once a week you're more likely to get more accurate…
  • yeah that is annoying but i also get people telling me to shut up when i complain about how i want to lose weight. i have a thin frame i guess and i'm used to being thinner so when i gain weight it's not as noticeable unless you see me naked. so i might seem average or thin to other people but since i know i've packed on a…
  • you have to get skinny like you were in high school for me or else i will stop being your friend and i will have you fired.
  • i guess i'm back in the army now. even though i never really left, just went into the irr. i'm deploying to iraq in 2 weeks.