

  • Stick with the regular ranch, in a cup on the side. Dip your fork in the dressing, then stab your bite of salad. I promise you get all of the taste, but you'll use 1/4 to 1/8 of the dressing you'd normally use! I can't deal with low fat dressings, i love ranch, blue cheese and caesar. I pull this trick with most salads and…
  • I log before I eat, too. I find that if I do that, not only do I have my record, but in the case of going out to eat, it forces me to make a better choice BEFORE I get to the restaurant, and I tend to stick to that better choice when I get there, instead of trying to decide while there, and settling on that greasy burger…
  • I agree - if it were a short walk, then no, but it sounds like it's a fair amount of effort exerted there! I think it definitely counts!!