nom, nom.nom:drinker:
I need to follow you on Pinterest. Those look amazing. ( is my pinterest page)
all their stuff is amazing. I love the post they did about 50 freezer meals in one afternoon. Also their Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll Cake is to die for.
Okay a few more details- I am only eating 1200 calories a day so cutting calories is really not an option. Also I happen to find the X-rays that were done before my surgery and the set that were done after my surgery- they look exactly the same. I would think if I had surgery to correct my knee there would be some visible…
Add me :-)
Pec flies, dumbbell flies
wow! you are awesome! :laugh:
Feel free add me too. I try to post daily but I might slip :-)
if my MIL ever spoke to me like that my husband would be furious. Noone has the right to be spoken to like that .
Matt Smith, David Tennant, John Barrowman- I blame the BBC for my unrealistic expectations of the male sex :smile:
For me it would be probably a 6 but I'd be happy with a size 8 or 10. Right now I wear a 16/18 depending on who makes the jeans:frown:
I missed my 20 year high school reunion and looking at the photos all the uber skinny pretty girls are now bigger than me :tongue:
I'm not going to weigh myself for the first 4 weeks ( a month ). I don;t want to get discouraged too early in the game. I figure that if I weigh myself daily I might hit a plateau and want to give up.
:bigsmile: You are an amazing big brother. You can do this
That is great.
I have five kids ages 18,10,7,6 and 18 months. The first two are girls and the rest are boys. The youngest two have special needs. Our 6 year old has sensory processing disorder, ADHD, developmental delays and Artrial Septal Defect. The baby also has ASD but he also has Spinal Muscular Atrophy which is a rare form of…