

  • Completed insanity day 2! I took a lot of breaks and modified the push ups and plank positions. Not sure how many calories I burned but I was definitely sweating a lot. My upper arm and shoulders are sore but I don't feel a burn in my core so Im not sure if I am doing the moves right. Day 2 down!
  • i started doing wall push ups instead. the knee push ups are hard on my kees
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I hear you on the eating too little or eating too much. This is my biggest concern! I currently live with family so I usually just eat whatever they buy since my aunt does all the grocery shopping. I also do not eat after 9pm but I am worried I am eating too little.
  • I did my day 1 cardio today and found it beyond difficult! I cannot do a push up to save my life so I skipped that entire section. I am not giving up though. I purchased a heart rate monitor today and a jump rope and decided to jump rope during the push up sections. Feel free to friend me.
  • I need to lose weight, mostly on my arms and around my tummy area. I just graduated college and have not been in the gym for a while. I started eating more healthy last week with a running/ walking on the treadmill for half an hour. I hate the treadmill. My family has the insanity videos at home and decided I would try it…
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