

  • Well guys, am feeling remotivated for the time being. Challenge umm reckon my goal will be approx 8 miles per week starting today. So 2.6 m done only 5.4 to go :smile: This will end badly for me and prob end up demotivating myself again lol but it's all good fun this journey :laugh:
  • Hi Guys thanx for advice and support. I think one of my problems is patience, if I don't see it happening quick enough I lose hope and think why am I bothering it will take ages. Also had set a goal to lose 7ibs by 16.12.2011 (works xmas party) and this would take me the right side to being near 13stone which would be…
  • Thanx everyone :smile: Got to admit what with being poorly lately and for about month eith er staying the same or losing only 1ib I was starting to get a bit :cry: , but hopefully this is the start again of more weight loss. Even :happy: now that I am out running again my couch to 5k seems to be taking a long time to…
    in Welcome! Comment by Bexsy November 2011
  • Oooo nicnacinoonoo that sounded lush. I forgot to take my lunch to work and didn't have any money on me so had 9 malted milk biscuits and a cup of tea :blushing: Not the best lunch but was blimmin starving, sadly I enjoyed. But made up for it at tea time with a jacket and some fish.
  • OMG! Am in shock 4ibs off this week :noway: Haven't been able to exercise properly due to Bronchitis so was actually expecting to put on as didn't feel i had ate the right food either. In my moment of euphoria I would like to say I love MFP IT WORKS WHOOP :love: and I love the support in our group that we got going. Good…
    in Welcome! Comment by Bexsy November 2011
  • Thanx Snailrunner :smile:
    in Welcome! Comment by Bexsy November 2011
  • Thanks RGPargy for setting up the group on MFP, very handy :smile: Sounds like a wheat intolerance, may be worth either getting an allergy test done or cutting the wheat out to see if any bloating etc happens. Good to see so many of us using MFP and the results it is bringing each of us.
    in Welcome! Comment by Bexsy November 2011
  • OMG! U look fantastic - well it worked you have inspired me x :smile: