vicksterious Member


  • Agreed! I've actually never lost any weight doing it but I feel 150% better about 2 weeks in.
  • I'm in also, starting day one today! Finished my first one in November and did well through most of December and then completely derailed over the last week with Christmas, New Years and two family birthdays. Ready to get back on the wagon!
  • To the original poster, this site from the Whole30 folks has a detailed timeline of what to expect when as you progress.
  • Mines pretty consistent but overestimates as well. I have a 1000+ cal deficit every day and maintain pretty consistently
  • I will first echo a lot of what you've already heard, which is if you're not intentionally losing weight, aren't happy about your diet and can identify anxiety/depression as causes of your loss of appetite (a common symptom in both!) you should try to find a professional that can help if you can't increase the calories on…
  • Increase your weight if you want to build muscle. 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps. As others said, the last 1-2 reps should be a big struggle. If you want to SEE the muscle its a combination of fat loss as well which is achieved more through diet with an added boost from the exercise you're doing.
  • Veggies. This is the ultimate option for filling up on few calories (and staying nutritous!). Salads are great. I found the frozen steam in bag veggies are a good option when I'm just craving hot cooked food (some have rice, pasta, etc and include a sauce which gives it a better flavor and the entire bag is usually 150-250…
  • I JUST started this the past week. I can't really speak to the effectiveness of it getting back to a 5k but I can say having the program laid out is helpful for me as far as motivation. Personally, I LOVE this because I run with my cell phone (cant run without the music) and runkeeper (love the gps and it gives updates on…