

  • I haven't tried them yet but I've watched some of her videos & she seems really intelligent, sweet & bubbly. Do you guys have any recommendations for a first-timer to her videos? I also love her merch :) I was obsessed with one of her yoga bags for a while.
  • Don't let arbitrary measurements like weight readings on a scale get you down. What it boils down to, really, is health. You know if you're being healthier and you know if you're not... Just keep focussing on being healthy & don't be too restrictive. Since you started off eating roughly 4000 calories, I think you can…
  • I'm in the exact same boat. TBH it usually gets worse during the school year when I'm more distracted/ trying to use food to distract myself from my studies. I've noticed that once I eat anything with *refined* sugars, I am much more likely to crave more things with refined sugars throughout the day. A little is usually…
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