

  • I have my ups and downs. I have lost 33 lbs and need to go 20 more to feel done. I give daily support no matter what.
  • Log every bite you take in and stay at your calorie limit, give or take 100 calories. You will lose weight. I think low glycemic index foods burn the best--low carbs, moderate fat and protein, veggies and no processed anything especially sugar and flour products. Good luck.
  • Yes, side-effects come and go all the time. I finished treatment 1.5 years ago now--surgery, chemo and radiation. Try not to stress about any of it because it leaves as quickly as it comes on in most cases. Memory lapses, brain fog, fatigue, weak nails, thin hair, digestion issues, scar tissue, tingling feet and fingers.…
  • I fear you all won't want me jumping into this thread, but my first thought when I saw the thread, what would that be like for someone to say that to me? Of course, I have 44 lbs to go before I am at my goal, so I am having a hard time believing that I would ever hear that. Personally, I have never said that to…
  • Ovarian, carcinosarcoma, which means it is aggressive and can come back in bone, blood or tissue. I year cancer free post treatment that was physically pretty debilitating. Happy to be alive.
  • I'm 54. I've spent about 40 years dieting with a 1200 cal limit. Basically, for my entire life I have been over-weight while dieting to 1200 calories per day. This is insanity, yet I've been doing it my whole life. Wait! Until I started eating a Ketogenic Diet (also known as Paleo or Lifeprint or Caveman). For the first…
  • Welcome. I am cancer free after a major blast of chemo and radiation treatment last year for a rare form of ovarian cancer. I'm in your corner.
  • Oh, I so wanted this to be amazing, but it tasted like really sweet rubber, not cake. Glad you enjoy it. It's not for everyone. I might try adding the 6 chocolate chips with peanut butter noted above, because I have two mixed up cake mixes and nothing better to do with them. Perhaps I will experiment will everything in the…
  • Hi, I'm 54 and a year after cancer treatment. Need to eat more and exercise more. It is hard coming back from this angry treatment. I could use your support. Thank you.