Judith652 Member


  • Pour white wine over the stained parts of the curtains, leave a while then soak in cold water before washing.
  • Don't give up. I had a bad stint for a couple of months but I'm back now and have set my target to maintain for a couple of weeks to get back into the way of logging everything again. You've so much to gain by sticking with it and nothing to lose except weight.
  • I've been getting these since January, yes they are expensive but they work for me. They're a portion controlled treat and fantastic for popping in your bag for the days you might get delayed. Here's a code for anyone who wants it, not sure if it'll only work in the U.K. EUNICE6WP
  • I have some codes for anyone in the U.K. They can only be used once and each code gets you two free boxes. W6L4W72 LX4RGNG Happy eating!
  • If your fiancé is going to save make it for your future together, a deposit on a house or something. My engagement ring was £99 and my wedding ring was £11.25. We started the way we meant to go on and as a result we will be 17 years happily married this year, plenty of cross words but never over money. I'd rather spend…