

  • Hello everyone, I am new here too. Joined dec '09. Looking to lose 60 pounds total. But, would really like to get under 200 for my first goal! I joined a gym two weeks ago. Been going three times a week. This week I will go four times and see if that helps. I always crave a Ice Cold Beer and a cigarette after I work out!…
  • When you first set up your account it asks what your daily activity life is like. Then it gives you a daily calorie usage amount based on your answer. If you do a lot more than that you should add that activity. Hope this helps!
  • Hello, I'm new here too! Started Dec '09. Trying to lose 60 total. But, right now just trying to get my weight below 200. Would love to do that before all the summer wear comes out! I love all the encouragement that you get here! Look forward to chatting with all of you. ~Christi
  • Hello chrisf, first off welcome! Question for you... What is a stone? Never heard that term used in weight.. ha ha. Can you give me an example (like: 3 ounces of steak) of protein that you eat 6 times a day? I know about the water, feel like I can't be more than 10 feet away from a bathroom cuz I need to pee every 20…
  • Hello All, I'm new here too. Looking to lose 60 pounds. Gonna take it day-by-day. I know the journey will be long so I'm trying to make it fun. I joined a gym and hope that that will help me. Let me know what your plans are. Christi