I have severe environmental allergies to things like dust, mold, pollen. Consequently, I also suffer from concomitant allergic reactions to things like wheat and dairy. The molecular structure of the actual allergen (dust/mold/pollen) is quite similar to that of the concomitant food (wheat/dairy). It took me a long time to…
Start slow. Don't think about what you CAN'T eat as much as what you can/want/like to eat.
Gap and BR Long, which is only ever offered online. I have super long arms, too, and the Gap Long shirts actually go to my wrists. Also, dresses.
If your ab muscles are separated you should get checked for a diastasis recti. Your OB can do it or refer you to a PT who specializes. If that's the case, a lot of the ab exercises that people are expected to do in Les Mills classes are going to be counterproductive. Planks and situps will make a diastasis recti worse.
I store my homemade GF flour in a big glass jar in the pantry. We go through it quickly, so rancidity hasn't been a problem, but many people store theirs in the fridge.
Citrucell, in large quantities, may help.
p.s. it is less expensive to blend your own mixture than it is to buy the prepackaged mixes, too!
I make my own GF whole grain flour mix, following the GlutenFreeGirl's recipe. It's 3 parts white rice flour and potato starch to 7 parts whole grain flour. You can buy a variety of different whole grain flours from Bob's Red Mill, and then combine them as you desire. I like doing this because it's more interesting,…
Ooh! The Victorian diet! Sugar, sugar, some sugar in your black tea, and then maybe a biscuit before you were released from your 12 hour shift in the workhouse.
I like the idea of changing the wifi password as a consequence to the kids eating your snacks. You have the right to eat your own snacks! It is NOT cool that the rest of your family disregards this fact, and I support you in establishing a firm boundary and making some unpleasant consequences if others cross that boundary.
I have a pretty low body fat % and a low BMI, and I (like most women my age!) have cellulite. I used to let myself freak out about it, and then one year I watched the NYC marathon and saw the elite women runners--the ladies who run 100s of miles/year, who are all muscle--and noticed that even THEY have cellulite. It's part…
Planks and sit ups will help your diastasis recti!
I use it to make marmalade--easier than the stove top, as the temp is more even and there isn't a risk of flare up or scorching.
I use it as a butter substitute when I bake, as I have a dairy allergy and can't use butter. It's also good as a salve and an eye make up remover, as others have also observed above. Don't think it works that well as a skin moisturizer and it did horrifying things to my (fine) hair.
Do see a physical therapist who specializes in treating POP! It has helped me unbelievably, and taught me things I'd been doing that were making my problems worse.
Some people don't lose weight while breastfeeding. Once the baby is weaned, then the weight comes off. I nursed twins for 22 months. I did *not* lose a ton of weight during that time.
I am allergic to environmental triggers. Many of these cause concomitant reactions when I consume dairy and wheat. So I am someone who *could* technically eat gluten. Just not ... wheat. Are you taking allergy shots?
There is a diastasis recti group. Join! See also if you can get a referral from your OB for a physical therapist who specializes in treating diastasis. There is a LOT of stuff you can do that will exacerbate the condition--and which you might intuitively think would help, like crunches and planks!--but a good PT will teach…
5'10" and about 136, down from 147 earlier in the summer (after a stretch of failing at/overeating on a Paleo-ish diet, which I had to do due to food allergies.) Highest weight (twin pregnancy!) was 186. Prior to kids I weighed about 130, and I'd like to get back there but MAN it is tough to lose the last bit of weight.…
Have you been checked for a diastasis recti? That can cause the "pouch" that won't budge as well. And if a diastasis recti is indeed what you have, then doing "core work" without a good physical therapist to guide you will likely make the pouch bigger/worse. It's easy enough to check. Google "tupler method."
Also, I saw above that you have two other babes, so you know the drill. Remember also that sleep deprivation plays a role, here, too. The more you sleep, the more milk you make, and the more your body can recover from cortisol flooding (and thus lose weight.) Maybe with two other kiddos and a newborn, you are TIRED, and…
The idea that breastfeeding helps *all* mothers lose weight isn't exactly true. Some people lose a lot; others hold on to their calories and only lose once they have stopped breastfeeding. Don't worry! Enjoy your baby, nurse on demand, take care of yourself, and things will even out. Remember that it took nine months to…
I too must abstain fromaef dairy or wheat due to allergies. I *can* eat gluten, so barley and rye are ok. I find that the dairy free part is far more difficult than the wheat free, as dairy provides such good sources of protein. Removing the wheat is easier too than trying to find "gluten free" substitutions, which are…
I don't know if I need a GPS version, as most of my activity is based on the gym. My steps are obtained through work (teaching/standing desk/long walks/taking stairs) and all in the same building, so the GPS function would be overkill I suspect.
This is great info, thanks. It sounds like having both WOULD provide a more accurate sense of calorie burn.
5'10" 138-ish Size US 4-6, depending (long arms and legs, broad shoulders.) Size S-M, again depending (it's nice sometimes to have sleeves that reach my wrists!)
Have one. I like that it is non hormonal, didn't have difficulty with insertion. It does make for a heavier period, which is annoying, but the benefits (99% effectiveness! no hormones! no attendant weight gain! ) outweigh the deficits.
5'9.75", here. SW: 145 CW: 141 GW: 135 I have gotten as low as 126, but that was creepy. I thought I'd want to go down to 130 (where I was for a long while), but have done a lot of weightlifting since and suspect that the "extra" weight is muscle.