Wendlers 5/3/1 is more for intermediate strength lifters, if you are new to the strength aspect of lifting I would try out Starting Strength by Mark rippetoe, or maybe even Madcow.
There is numerous of ways to lose a **** ton of weight in 1-2 weeks. But that will only help for the short duration. You will gain it all back when you get back an a healthy diet. And about the thigh gap thing. I'm a guy, when I look at a girl I don't go "Oh her thighs are touching/not touching" I'm more "There is a girl,…
I've had both anorexia and bulimia, even though I've recovered it's still in the back of my head. But now I've built a quite muscular body. I'm gonna say what the others have said, I will support you if you are trying to recover, but I will not help you destroy your life.
No sweetie, that is not a binge. A binge is if you would eat like 2000 calories for breakfast. I would just track your macros so you can fit in sweet things that you like so you don't go overboard :)
Use some walden farms syrup. Or sugar free jam.
The only way you could know for sure is to go to a doctor and get a scan or try out a caliper.
No you are not skinny fat, you just don't have any muscle mass. That's why you look the way you look.