frommetobetterme Member


  • You will have bad days and bad meals. This is about your life and lifestyle, it is not black or white, all or nothing. Beating yourself up will only make you feel worse. Write what you wrote and move on. Today is a new day.
  • I wish I still had that schedule with no kids. I get up at 6am every morning, my commute is almost one hour each way and my workouts normally happen after the kids are in bed at about 8:30 pm. But this isn't a competition (just putting things in perspective). I find that motivation has to come from me, no one will take my…
  • Depends, if the coffee is especially strong or too sugary, I get gittery, if I don't eat anything and coffee is the first think I consume, I get stomach aches. But when I drink coffee while I eat breakfast, everything is great. If you don't react well to coffee, just don't have it :)
  • I think you'll have to experiment. I eat dinner at 6 and work out at around 9pm. If I have a heavy meal (i.e. pasta), I have a hard time working out, even with that big a gap. If I eat light, I'm ok. If I eat light, I can also eat closer to my workout. It really depends on you and your body. Try a few different things and…
  • Since you still hurt, but are feeling better, I wouldn't go all in and work out like you did before but I also wouldn't panic. You could just have strained your back a bit/pulled something. I would try incrementally doing more exercise and see how it goes. If the pain gets worse, stop. If it doesn't get better, go see your…
  • Good for you for going to talk to them. I think that education is key to having people treat each other better. IMO, everyone who gets a debilitating disease should be admired, because it is horrible to suddenly (or not so suddenly) have to deal with a body that does things it shouldn't, and that in some ways becomes your…
  • I don't think it doesn't 'look good on you'. It's something that may have pretty big repercussions. My father-in-law and his gf have been together over 20 years. He owned the salon and hired her when she was 18. She then bought the salon from him when he retired. The salon is in their house. So they're pretty much together…
  • Just from reading the abstract 'These findings support the hypothesis that exercise-induced increases in endogenous opioid peptides act in a manner similar to chronic administration of opiate drugs.' (in reference to withdrawal symptoms) And you state that you think that the same applies to foods. You are communicating…
  • But they didn't pick oreos over a narcotic, they chose oreos over rice cakes.. now put drugs and oreo in the same maze and see what happens?
  • ... millions of people also occasionally use drugs for medical reasons and do not because addicted.... I've taken morphine after surgeries and didn't have withdrawals... I don't understand the relevance of this statement.
  • Just a question for the scientist... could it be that rats go more for sugar because they are a fuel for their body and by instincts people look for fuel in order to survive vs drugs that don't have a nutritional value? (or do they?)
  • I haven't read the responses, but here are my two cents (I should say 5 cents since we will soon not have any more pennies here :) ) This sounds ridiculous to me, linking things that don't necessarily go together.... So oreos taste better than rice cakes... 'everyone' knows that. If it tastes better, or course it will make…
  • Good for you for staying strong. It is difficult, but good for you for sticking it out! People can be mean and they judge when they don't understand. My father has MS and is now in a wheelchair, but when his legs were first affected, he use to look like he was drunk when he was walking because he'd walk all crooked. People…
  • IMO, you should not tell people what they will regret or not. If I was in a position where I did not have to work, I would prefer to stay at home with my children (even though it drives me batty) and have that gift of spending time with the people I love the most and then deal with the consequences if ever they came. Also,…
  • You still work (although part-time) so I wouldn't quite call you a SAHD as you just have unusual work hours the same way I wouldn't call a parent that works from home or a mother that works part time in the evenings a SAHM. As to me a SAHParent is someone who doesn't work for monetary compensation. But regardless of…
  • I've read his stuff before, he is a pretty good writer. I don't always agree with him, but he's usually got some interesting insights. This article I agree with 100%!
  • I agree.. wanted to mention it and forgot it in my long post. If you also get cramping, it could be an intolerance to certain foods or something like IBS.
  • Thanks for the suggestion. :) Oh I know what I NEED to do, the doing is the hard part. From the time I was born I was a night owl (1 - drove my parents nuts, 2 - I wonder if there is a scientific explanation for that one... think I must research this in the future). Unfortunately, my children and job don't allow me to be.…
  • I know that, hence the 'about' in my sentence. I feel great at 7 hours, more than that is just a bonus.
  • Ideally... I would and that's about what people should get... In reality... not even close, I dream of sleeping :( I get about 5 hours, 6 on a good night. I have a 2yo that still won't stay in his bed and a 7yo that is an early riser while DH and I are night owls.
  • Fasting = 8 hours of sleep.
  • First, at 21, you are not a boy, you are a man. :) First, you have to find ALL of your triggers. They can vary a lot. Mine are: Milk chocolate Too much red meat Perfume Too much stress Too little sleep Not eating enough (i.e. skipping breakfast and barely eating for lunch) I said them just to show how all encompassing they…
  • Cauliflower.... barf :p You can if you eat your eggs cooked in bacon fat, with a side of bacon, with syrup and with buttered toast, and peanut butter an jam. :)... but yeah, a couple of eggs, no biggie.
  • Yup, it's like they're saying. 'great job, you're getting results, but you're doing it all wrong'. Hmmm... little conflicting pieces of info in that conversation. How am I doing it all wrong if I'm getting results? Still trying to figure out what would have him thinking that martial arts will mess up your strength... how…
  • The yolk thing is more of a cholesterol issue and it's a bit more fat. But if you don't have cholesterol issues, have at it is my opinion! I love egg yolk, so for me no yolk = no egg (though I do sometimes add just whites to fluff up omelettes and such.
  • In weight loss as in pregnancy and child rearing, I have learned that the trick is to listen the first time, do your research if the advise seems sound and then make your own decision. If it's something you've heard a million times, just nod and smile and then go on your merry way or else you'll go nuts repeating yourself…
  • I think you have to wait and see how things go when you get there. I'm not a stay at home mom. Financially, we can't afford that (I'm the main breadwinner). I had first wished I could be, but then, when I was home on mat leave for 1 year with each of my children, I thought I would go crazy. Although I did a lot of things,…
  • As others said, belly exercises won't spot reduce, but if you want to strengthen your core, there is a lot you can do. Here are some examples of exercises I've done to help with my core muscles (I have SI joint dysfunction). I find kettle bell swings a bit difficult on my hips and back, but you can use them instead of a…
  • I get crazy salty craving right before ans sweet cravings during... the salt = massive water weight, so I try to drink more water also during that time and eat sweet fruit instead of candy (which is just not the same, so sometimes I give in). I don't actually change my calorie goal during that time, but I do eat more. I…