Veronnie87 Member


  • Excellent idea. I have actually only weighed once so far this month, but at least that gives me a starting weight. We'll see what December 1st looks like. I think it's also worth it to start tracking my measurements again...
  • Don't know if you're open to the suggestion, but I have found joining Overeaters Anonymous to be the best decision I've ever made. If you're looking for support, you'll get more there than you'll get any other place. :) Good luck!
  • Anybody hawking raspberry ketones, green coffee stuff, garcinia cambogia (not even sure if that's spelled right), Spanx, WeightWatchers and hundreds of authors of lose-weight-fast-keep-it-off-FOREVER! books...
  • If you're having issues with overeating/bingeing, then you could always check out if you have a local Overeaters Anonymous meeting that you could attend. If not, you can find them online. I never thought that I would qualify as someone who was a chronic overeater until I went to a meeting to support a friend who is…
  • Don't talk to them about their weight unless they are facing serious health issues where their lives could be in danger; it's really none of your business. Nobody likes to be preached to. If they are no longer happy with their physical appearance and fitness level, then be there to offer support and encouragement. YOU have…
  • THIS...Starting to find more and more posts that literally send chills down my spine as I read it and go "Oh boy...". And all this time here I was thinking I was my own special little snowflake! :neutral_face: My excuse is that I give up. Always. Which I find odd because when it comes to basically all other areas of my…
  • I get so hungry that I could literally nibble at something all day long, and typically I'm not big on snacking between meals. Like OP said, it's not just mindless hunger (believe me, I know EXACTLY when I'm eating because I'm bored) but actual ravenous, physical, if-I-don't-eat-now-something-bad-is-going-to-happen, HANGRY…
  • Oh God...this. Totally THIS. I thought I was the only one. Everyone always seems to happy to be eating well and working out and I thought I was the only person alive who hates every second of this so much but who has given up too many times in the past when it got hard to give up again. I'm sorry, I have nothing helpful to…
  • I have changed my goal weight in the opposite direction; I made it less instead of more. I weighed in the other morning at 168.8lbs and my goal weight is around 140lbs. With almost 30 lbs to lose I started feeling like I couldn't do it and I was losing motivation because I found that number daunting. I know that I need to…
  • Just for today: I am going to accept that I did not plan my meals out for this week and because of that made a lunchtime choice that I am not pleased with. Just for today I'll enjoy the fat and salt and sugar of that lunch and tonight I will take the dog on an extra-long walk. I will not obsess over this until I convince…
  • You said this came up out of nowhere, but I think it's your body panicking because it's been forced into a borderline starvation mode. Even on Biggest Loser, the most famous weight loss show for people whose lives are in danger because of their weight, they still eat at least 1200 calories a day because anything less is…
  • What is it about heavy people that other people feel compelled to comment on? I can't fathom ever going up to someone and commenting on ANYTHING about them, be it their weight, hairstyle, clothing choice or whatever! Jeez... The thing I find the most ridiculous about all of this is that this random person had absolutely no…
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! That's really not an easy thing to deal with, especially with everything else you currently have going on... I don't want to sound insensitive, because I know that not everyone is ready to love a new dog right after losing one, but I find my dog to be one of my best workout buddies.…
  • Do you NEED an activity tracker: No, of course not. Manually tracking definitely works. Is an activity tracker helpful: I personally find mine very useful. I have a FitBit One (I opted for the One over the Flex after doing quite a bit of research on what I wanted out of a tracker) and I LOVE it. Actually seeing how many…
  • I have started smiling at people who feel the need to comment on other peoples' lives from their perch in their deranged little worlds. And not a my-feelings-are-hurt-and-I'm-about-to-cry smile, but a real, genuine, happy, laughing smile. It throws them for such a loop it's unbelievable. One guy who yelled "fat chicks…
  • Just for today: I will accept that I did not have a very good weekend food-wise (no regular meals and too much crappy food) and I WILL NOT allow one weekend be my excuse to give up (again!). I will drink my water today, and FORGIVE myself for not having made the best choices.
  • LOL! Some of us are born dancers, some of us are born runners and some of us look like crazy people when we attempt to do either of those things but who the hell cares, at least we're trying! I have seen video of myself is NOT pretty...I always wished I could be one of those gazelle-like long-legged runners…
  • You're too late...the beaches in Florida are already full of them! :P But seriously, if you want to, rock it! Bonus points for leopard-print or lime-green netting!
  • I've had this said to me as well (I was always the girl who was friends with the guys in high school and college). I hope you're able to look at him with a smile and pity now; because he was too superficial and not strong enough to stand up and own his feelings for you (because I'm sure he had some), he lost out on a life…
  • First of all, CONGRATS! You have clearly worked really hard to get down as far as you have and that's amazing. Make sure you're actually eating enough. Trying to take away too much too fast can put the brakes on in a MAJOR way. Trying a more moderated approach by actually upping your calories (scary, I know!) can help push…
  • BuzzFit? Awesome pic and LOVE the puppy :) Which BuzzFit are you at? My fiance just signed up at the Dollard location in Montreal.
  • Awesome advice in this thread so far. My humble addition is to suggest that you do some research about a few different gyms and see what kind of comments are out there. Once you've narrowed it down to two or three then take the time to tour them and see which one feels right for you. I have had experiences with both…
  • I have been avoiding buying new jeans for a while. I'm sure y'all have said this: I won't bother buying new jeans until I can wear a size smaller. Yeah. Well, I finally had to go get some new jeans since my old ones are about to pop at the inner seams because they're so worn from my thighs rubbing together. I tried the…
  • You have said that if you bite it, you write it. But what about drinks? My fiance was under the impression that the four juiceboxes he was drinking every day didn't count as calories because they were "real fruit juice". *facepalm* I inadvertently add on a ton of calories with my drinks. Even diet soft drinks - even though…
  • I want to have a baby and not be tipping the scales at 200+lbs afterward. My parents were both overweight when I was a kid and it sucked sometimes that they weren't able to run around with me (I'm an only child, so it's not like I had a lot of other people to run around with!). I want to be a fit, healthy and sexy wife/mom…
  • Soon-to-be 27, so far the only baby I have is the four-legged and furry kind. :) Feel free to add!
  • Just for today: I will talk less and listen more.
  • Some friends (who are all of average weight) and I were discussing how much we weighed - I know, I know, stupidest conversation to have with other women EVER. I didn't want to say my weight out loud because back then I was very ashamed of people hearing the number (now I actually don't care, it's just a number), so one of…
  • Great to see someone with a sarcastic and humourous approach to a topic that more often finds me in tears than in stiches. Thanks for the pick-me-up. We've all been there and we'll be there again. Just keep going, putting one pachyderm foot in front of the other ;)
  • Thanks for the chuckle :)