torycw77 Member


  • It could be that you may have galactic acid in your muscles along just plain ol' putting on a little muscle mass. Keep going and don't sweat it (...see that, see what I did :-D ). Also, don't be TOO restrictive with calories. Make sure you're eating enough. Finally, I just bought a heart rate monitor and it has made…
  • A lower carb life-style may be one option with a start that all but eliminates carbs and then brings good carbs back in. An example would be Atkins.
  • I just did this tonight! I burned 1,060 calories in about 1 hour. But, I am 5'9" and 243.2 lbs. I am in otherwise excellent condition with a blood pressure of 110/70 usually, normal cholesterol levels, and normal blood sugar. I put on 60 pounds when I went back to University and then discovered that I was going to be a…