jaejae97 Member


  • The scale is my arch nemesis...when I think I am doing well, feeling great I step on and it just typically irks me lol. My lesson is to learn how my body feels and when if feels good continue the healthy behavior associated with that day. I wish I could get rid of my scale obsession. It can seriously dictate how my day…
  • HI! I am 44 and would love to be friends. I will send you a friend request. I too understand your comments and concerns, mainly because I have them as well :)
  • Hello Jennifer - I am Jennifer as well and I would love to be your friend! I will add you :)
  • Hello, I am 44 years old, have been using MFP off/on for several months. I have 100 lbs to lose, I am scared, and worried that I will fail one more time...I am unsure if my diary is open or not...but I will make it open if not! My job is a desk job and I find it most difficult when I am bored...