fletchj2 Member


  • I wish. I've lost almost 70lbs and I went from a 42DD to a 34DDD. I keep joking that if I keep losing weight I'm going to be too top heavy and tip over.
  • Got through day 2 of insanity. :) Considering I never work out this is huge.
  • I've lost 40 pounds and dropped from a 42DD to a 40D which isn't too much but I'm ok with that. the weight is coming off around my waist and hips first which is nice.
  • I've been doing this for 4 and a half months and it's habit now. Even when I don't log my food until the end of the day I am usually within a few hundred calories of my goal. I've started enjoying healthier snacks, and changed what I look for in a meal. I've also tried to never label things 'good' or 'bad.' I started MFP…
  • I don't have them either. One of my goals is not to deprive myself or I know I won't stick with this. So if I want desert I have it, but I've had smaller slices or lower calorie options. I keep a bag of m&ms in the freezer and just have one or two when i need a chocolate fix. I'm trying to go for weight loss and better…