

  • Tapout. TFit LLC., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. < ?c=cpc-google-wp-tapoutxt-generalfitness&gclid=CPbQ2-mH37YCFSNqMgodjQwABA>. This site gives me workouts i can do right from my home. The workouts are intense and help lose weight. it shows a video of the workouts and its very motivating with before and…
  • I feel the food I currently eat isnt as healthy as I thought. The way the animals like the chickens & the cows are treated is disturbing. I feel the issues with the food are both a government & a personal choice problem because you yourself are the ones who choose to consume the food, but its the government who makes it a…
  • I would like to exercise more and lose weight. Also I'd like to increase my cardiovascular endurance.
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